Pertanyaan-pertanyaan Fikih seputar Isu kontemporer
- Why is the bai‘at to the Promised Messiah (as) not sufficient to be an Ahmadi – Why do we have to pledge allegiance to the Khalifa?
- When I believe in Allah and the Holy Prophet (sa), why do I have to believe in the Promised Messiah (as)?
- Why do we take pride in saying that Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya has no political agendas when the Holy Prophet and his Khulafa did have a very strong one?
- Does Islam permit men to hit their wives?
- The Holy Quran uses the term Khalifa for an individual or a group of individuals. What does Jama‘at-e-Ahmadiyya base its use of the term Khilafat as an institution on?
- Is the testimony of a woman worth only half that of a man?
- Praying for a friend who died as a non-Muslim
- Can the idea of zilli or buruzi prophethood be traced back to Islamic tradition?
- Does a victim of rape need to provide four witnesses?
- Should office-bearers of the Jamaat be suspended if accused of a crime?
- Does Islam encourage victims of crime to remain silent?
- Is a Khalifa infallible?
- If an office-bearer appointed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih commits a mistake, would it be right to say that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s choice was wrong?
- If a member of the general public could question Hazrat Umar, why is it seen as rude to question Hazrat Khalifatul Masih?